CURRICULUM VITAE Matei Stircea-Craciun Bucharest, July 25, 1947 |
Senior research worker, Francisc I. Rainer Institute of Anthropology, Romanian Academy, Casa Academiei, Calea 13 Septembrie. 13, Secr.: 3224, Bucharest, 050711, Romania, tel./fax: (+40) 21 317 5072; mb :(+40) 744 536 678; e-mail: // Main Scientific Contributions * 1985-2021 developing and testing Endogenous Hermeneutics, an intensive cultural assessment method of visual discourse underlying modern and contemporary abstract sculpture. Endogenous approaches explicitly avoid aesthetic considerations to focus on cultural ones. With cultural values standing for a worldwide better structured field of knowledge than aesthetic values, an almost tenfold increase is achieved in information data meant to support interpretation. This is just enough to allow for the visual discourse to be converted into verbal discourse. Hermeneutic techniques are then made use of to proceed with the interpretation. We recommend a double layered text analysis: (a) a lévy-straussian structural analysis meant to emphasize archetypal links underlying the visual discourse (l’essence du discours); (b) a bachelardian instaurative analysis meant to scan the imaginary expanse of the visual discourse (l’essor du discours). A pair of pioneering studies illustrate the method: see below volumes 1992-2020. * 1990-2021 Brancusian Studies: The endogenous approach to Brancusi’s work makes it possible to provide possibly the first systemic exegesis of Brancusi’s work in a cultural key. Systemic solutions are provided to basic topics in Brancusian studies such as concerning : the meanings of the forty-odd allegoric motifs of the work ; Brancusi’s major inspiration sources ; the artistic trend Brancusi pioneered in 20th century art – proposed concept : hylesic symbolism (hyle, gr. material) ; the impact of Brancusi’s work on modern art : hylesic symbolism,positioned as ranking with the most ponderous trends in 20th century art. A pair of explicit imperatives define Brancusi’s artistic program. Art is basically perceived as a cultural institution rather than an aesthetical one, and sculpture stands for expressive of material language rather than of shape language. Sculptural motifs are meant as cultural allegories where shape as a marker of space and time is imploded into matter so as to suggest that intended cultural hints share in the universal and timeless condition of materials. Themes remain abstract and charecters are practically turned anonymous to serve the cause of what Brancusi used to call “l’art international”. Works by four to five generations of sculptors all over the world appear to support this same credo. They belong with an artistic trend, hylesic symbolism, decisively pioneered by Brancusi – a huge legacy in need of a certified identity. Full time work with: 1995 09 – 12, Associate Expert, National Tourism Office; 1976 – 1984, Associate Researcher, UN-Romania Demographic Centre; 1984 – 1990, Associate Researcher (1984 - 88) and Research Worker (1988 - 90), Laboratory of Anthropology in the Victor Babes Institute, Bucharest; 1990 – 1997, Senior Researcher, Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology; 1997 – 2011, Senior Researcher, and Scientific Secretary, Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology; 2012 – Senior Researcher, Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology; Training 2000 Getty Grant, Summer Institute in World Art Studies, University of East Anglia, July- August, 2000. 1995 Fulbright Post Doctoral Grant with Queens College, City University of New York and Georgetown University, Washington, May-December, 1995; 1993, Study Grant with Lincolnshire College of Art and Design, Cambridge University, Leicester University, awarded by the British Association for Central and Eastern Europe and the British Council, October-November, 1993; 1993, Ph.D., in History and Anthropology, Bucharest University; 1975, BA, Magna cum laude, Philology Department, Bucharest University; Expertise: Symbolic Anthropology; Hermeneutics of Visual Art; Brancusian Studies; Symbolism of Materials. Academic Awards: - 2001, The Constantin Parhon Award of the Romanian Academy jointly granted to Sorin Dumitrescu and Matei Stircea-Craciun for the volume: RAINER, (Rainer Ostheological Collections and Archives), Catacomba Gallery, November 2000-January 2001; - 2005, An International Member with the International Association of Art Critics (AICA), a title granted for a three year period (2005-2007), AICA’s 39th Congress, 18-23 September 2005, Ljubljana (Slovenia). Single Author Volumes M.S.-C., ‘Opera lui Brancusi in Romania, SIMBOLISMUL HYLESIC, O abordare de hermeneutica endogena’ (Brancusi’s Work in Romania, THE HYLESIC SYMBOLISM, An Approach in Endogenous Hermeneutics), Bucharest, The Vremea Publishers, 2020, 319 p., 62 ill, 4 plates. M.S.-C., ‘Tratat de hermeneutica a sculpturii abstracte, Perspectiva endogena, BRANCUSI – SIMBOLISMUL HYLESIC, Avec un dossier en français’ (A Treatise in the Hermeneutics of Abstract Sculpture, An Endogenous Perspective, BRANCUSI – THE HYLESIC SYMBOLISM ), Bucharest, The Romanian Cultural Institute Press/The Brancusi Publishers, 2016, 618 p., 90 ill., 35 hermeneutic plates, 5 maps of imaginary structures underlying Brancusi’s work. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – limbajele materiei, Un studiu de hermeneutica a sculpturii abstracte’ (Brancusi – Material Languages, A Study in the Hermeneutics of Abstract Sculpture), Bucharest, Anima Publishing House, 2010, 489 p, 90 ill., 40 hermeneutic plates, map of imaginary structures underlying Brancusi’s work. M.S.-C., ‘Paul Neagu – Nine Catalytic Stations, A Study in Hylesic Symbolism’, Bucharest, Anastasia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003, 235 p., 213 ill., separate editions in Romanian and English; see also (Paul Neagu – Nine Catalytic Stations, A Study in the Hermeneutics of Abstract Sculpture, Hylesic Symbolism), second enlarged edition of the Romanian version of the former, Timisoara, Triade/Brumar Publishers, 2013, 273 p. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi - Simbolismul Hylesic’ (Brancusi – The Hylesic Symbolism), Edinter Publishing House, Bucharest, 1992, 151 p. Studies and Essays M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – Domnisoara Pogany, 1912, Rodin – Je suis belle, 1882’(Brancusi – Mademoiselle Pogany, 1912, Rodin – Je suis belle, 1882), in CONTRIBUTORS.RO, 17. 04 2021, M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi. Cumintenia Pamantului – Rugaciune’ (Brancusi, The Wisdom of the Earth – The Prayer), CONTRIBUTORS.RO, 21.03. 2021, M.S.-C., ‘Sculptura hylesica, Brancusi si urmasii – Un proiect de tara’(The Hylesic Sculpture, Brancusi and his Descendence, A National Project) CONTRIBUTORS.RO, 19.02.2021, M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – Masa tacerii sau despre Altarul cu apa’ (Brancusi – The Table of the Silence, i.e. The Water Altar), CONTRIBBUTORS.RO, 16.01.2021, M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi. Sarutul vs. Poarta Sarutului, O abordare de hermeneutica endogena’ (Brancusi, The Kiss vs. The Gate of the Kiss), CONTRIBUTORS.RO, 03.12 2020, M.S.-C., ‘Paul Neagu – Crucea secolului. Un monument uitat’ (Paul Neagu, The Century Cross, A Forgoten Monument), CONTRIBUTORS.RO, 29.11.2020, M.S.-C., ‘Pledoarie pentru imaginar, Perspective noi in brancusiologie’ (A Plea for the Imaginary, New Prospects in Brancusiology), CONTRIBUTORS.RO, 18.10.2020, M.S.-C., ‘Valorificarea patrimoniului material si spiritual Brancusi, Scrisoare deschisa’ (Turning to Account Brancusi’s Material and Spiritual Patrimony, An Open Letter), OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, 20 ianuarie 2017, p. 24. M.S.-C., ‘Pe urmele lui Brancusi în recuperearea unui simbol arhetipal’(Hints in Brancusi’s Work to the Lost Meaning of an Archetypal Symbol), VIATA ROMANEASCA, July 2016, pp. 14-22. M.S.-C., ‘Strategii de cercetare în brancusiologie’(Research Strategies in Brancusian Studies), VIATA ROMANEASCA, March, 2016, pp. 28-37; M.S.-C., ‘Paul Neagu, Decantarea unui profil’ (Paul Neagu, Elements for an Artist’s Profile), ARTA, No. 12, 2014, pp. 56-59. M.S.-C., ‘Contributii pe tema valorii universale a Ansamblului de la Targu Jiu’, (Considerations on the Targu Jiu Ensemble Worldwide Relevance of the Masterwork), BRANCUSI, New Series, Year I, No. 1, October 2013, pp.8-9; M.S.-C., ‘Un monument fara soclu in inima capitalei’ (A Baseless Monument in the Center of the Capital), ARTA, REVISTA DE ARTE VIZUALE, No.1, 2011, pp. 34-35. M.S.-C., ‘Incercare de situare culturologica a creatiei lui Constantin Brancusi’ (A Tentative Cultural Positioning of Constantin Brancusi’s Work), CERCETARI FILOSOFICO-PSIHOLOGICE, An II, August 2010, No. 1, pp. 93-102. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi: Printesa X – O abordare de antropologie simbolica’ (I+II), (Brancusi : Princess X – An approach in Symbolic Anthropology), IDEI ÎN DIALOG, No. 9 [60], September, 2009, pp.15-17 and No. 10 [61], October, 2009, pp. 16-17. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi: Primul Pas – O abordare de antropologie simbolica’, (Brancusi: The First Step – An approach in Symbolic Anthropology), IDEI ÎN DIALOG, nr 3 [54], March, 2009, pp. 39-41. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – L’Ensemble de Targu-Jiu, Une approche d’anthropologie symbolique’, JOURNAL OF ETHNOGRAPHY AND FOLKLORE, New Series, 1-2/2008, pp. 51-68. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – Ansamblul de la Targu-Jiu (I+II), O abordare de antropologie simbolica’, (Brancusi – The Targu-Jiu Ensemble, An Approach in Symbolic Anthropology), IDEI IN DIALOG, No. 11(50), November 2008, pp. 33-36; and No. 12(51), December 2008, pp. 35-38. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi: De la Maiastra la Pasare în spatiu, O abordare de antropologie simbolica’(I+II), (Brancusi: From Maiastra to Bird in Space, An Approach in Symbolic Anthropology), OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, No. 138 (395), October 25th-31st, 2007, pp.18-19, and, No. 139 (396), November, 2007, pp.10-11. M.S.-C., ‘La dimension symboliste de la sculpture brancusienne’, REVUE ROUMAINE D’HISTOIRE DE L’ART, Tome XLIV, 2007, pp. 83-88. M.S.-C, ‘Paul Neagu : Cross vs. Hyphen, Global Symbols Revisited’, SCULPTURE MAGAZINE, October 2007, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 48-53, International Sculpture Center, New York. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi: Muza adormita, O abordare de antropologie simbolica’ (Brancusi: The Sleeping Muse - An Approach in Symbolic Anthropology), OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, No. 130 (387), August 30th - September 5th, 2007, pp.18-19. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi: Domnisoara Pogany, O abordare de antropologie simbolica’,(Brancusi, Mademoiselle Pogany, An Approach in Symbolic Anthropology) OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, No. 89 [346], November 9th - 15th, 2006, pp. 16-17. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi: Rugaciune, O abordare de antropologie simbolica’ (Brancusi, The Prayer, An Approach in Symbolic Anthropology) OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, No. 78 [335], August 24th - 30th, 2006, pp. 16-17. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi: Sarutul, O abordare de antropologie simbolica’ (Brancusi: The Kiss, An Approach in Symbolic Anthropology), OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, No. 73 [330], July 20th - 26th, 2006, pp. 16-17. M.S.-C., ‘Scoala din depozit’(The School in Stock), ROMANIA LITERARA, No. 45, November 16th - 22nd 2005, p. 24. M.S.-C., ‚Dialoguri brancusiene cu maestrii: Cumintenia pamantului’ (Brancusi and his Masters: Wisdom of the Earth), CUVANTUL, Year XI (XVI), No. 4 (334), April 2005, p. 10); M.S.-C., ‘L’enfant prodigue ou de l’éloquence par l’objet’, Une étude d’anthropologie symbolique’, LIGEIA, DOSSIERS SUR L’ART, Paris, Février 2005, pp.132-139. M.,S.-C., ‘Paul Neagu - Pictura, serigrafie, sculptura’ (Paul Neagu, Paintings, Serigraphy, Sculpture), OBSERVATOR CULTURAL No. 204, January 20th - 26th, 2004, p. 22. M., S.-C., ‘Hortensia Masichevici-Mişu, O noua cale’ (Hortensia Masicheivici-Misu, A New Way), OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, No. 208, February 2nd - 8th, 2004, p. 26. M.S.-C., ‘Paul Neagu – Un credo estetic de început de mileniu’ (Paul Neagu An Aesthetic Credo at the Turn of the Millenium), OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, No. 230, July 20th - 26th, 2004, pp. 23-35 and OBSERVATOR CULTURAL No. 231, July 27th - August 2nd, 2004, pp. 22-23. M.S.-C.,‘Coloana fara sfârsit – Problema restaurarii, (The Endless Column, Debating Restauration Issues), OBSERVATOR CULTURAL, No. 160, March 18th -24th, 2003, pp. 8-9 and OBSERVATOR CULTURAL No. 161, March, 25th - 31st, 2003, p. 15. M.,S.-C., ‘Prepositions as Subject Matter in Contemporary Sculpture’, ANNUAIRE ROUMAIN D’ANTHROPOLOGIE, Tome 40, 2003, pp. 119-125. M.S.-C.,‘Paul Neagu’s Generative Ontology of Sculpture’, REVUE ROUMAINE DE L’HISTOIRE DE L’ART, Tome 38, 2001, pp. 99-114. M.S.-C., ‘Paul Neagu – Crucea Secolului’ (Paul Neagu – Century Cross), ROMANIA LITERARA, No. 30, August 2nd -8th, 2000, pp.12-13. M.S.-C., ‘Embleme ale spiritului: Paul Neagu, Noua statiuni catalitice’ (Emblems of the Spirit: Paul Neagu, Nine Catalytic Stations), SECOLUL XX, EXILUL, No. 10-12, 1997, 1-3, 1998, pp. 385-395. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi necunoscut, O abordare de antropologie simbolica’ (An Unknown Brancusi, An Approach in Symbolic Anthropology), ROMÂNIA LITERARA, No. 33, August 20th-26th, 1997, pp. 12-13; and ROMÂNIA LITERARA, No. 34, August 24th- September 3rd, 1997, pp. 12-13. M.S.-C., ‘Constantin Brancusi, Himera - O abordare de antropologie simbolica’ (Constantin Brancusi, Chimera – An Approach in Symbolic Anthropology), ROMÂNIA LITERARA, February 1997, No. 6, pp. 12-13. M.S.-C., ‘Domnisoara Pogany, femeia fatala’ (Miss Pogany, A Fatal Woman) in CAIETE CRITICE, No. 1-2, (110-111), 1997, pp. 68-72. M.S.-C., ‘Roots (and Beyond) to Metaphors on Love in Brancusi’s Sculpture’, SOURCE, NOTES IN THE HISTORY OF ART, New York, Vol. XV, No. 3, Spring, 1996, pp. 42-48. M.S.-C., ‘Noua Statiuni Catalitice sau Meditatie assupra Spiritului de Fier’ (Nine Catalytic Stations, Notes on the Spirit of Iron), REVISTA ARC, No. 1-2 (9-10), 1994, pp. 202-20. M.S.-C., ‘O perspectiva pragmatica asupra conceptului de androginitate’ (A Pragmatic Perspective on the Androgyny Concept), STUDII SI CERCETARI DE ANTROPOLOGIE, Editura Academiei, Tome 30, 1993, pp. 75-79. M.S.-C., ‘Obiectul ca obiect al antropologiei’ (The Object as an Object of Anthropology), STUDII SI CERCETARI DE ANTROPOLOGIE, Editura Academiei Romane, Tome 28, 1991, pp. 71-76. M. M.S.-C., ‘Ansamblul sculptural de la Targu Jiu, Lectura hylesica’ (The Targu Jiu Ensemble, A Hylesic Interpretation), LUCEAFARUL, No. 41 (89), October 9th, 1991, pp. 11 and LUCEAFARUL, No. 43 (91), October 23rd, 1991, pp. 11. S.-C., ‘Cumintenia Pamantului’ (Wisdom of the Earth), COTIDIANUL, SUPLIMENTUL LA&I, February 24th, 1992, pp. 6-7. M.S.-C., ‘Adam si Eva, Lectia de sculptura’ (Adam and Eve, A Lesson in Sculpture), LUCEAFARUL, No. 28 (76), July 10th, 1991, pp. 8-9; and LUCEAFARUL, No. 29 (77), July 17th, 1991, pp. 11. M.S.-C., ‘Ruga Rugaciunii’ (The Prayer’s Prayer), LUCEAFARUL, No. 20 (77), July 13th, 1990, pp. 12. M.S.-C., ‘Cumintenia pamantului’ (Wisdom of the Earth), LUCEAFARUL, No. 13, APRIL 25th, 1990, pp. 12; M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi-Eminescu, Confluente tematice’ (Brancusi-Eminescu, Thematic Convergences), VIATA ROMANEASCA, January 1990, No. 1, pp. 14-21. M.S.-C., ‘Glose la plastica lui Ion Nicodim’ (Comments on Ion Nicodim’s Work), CONTEMPORANUL, IDEEA EUROPEANA, July 1990, p. 6. M.S.-C., ‘Omul si piatra’ (Man and Stone), REVISTA ARTA, No. 5, May 1989, pp. 25-26. M.S.-C., ‘Omul de vis, Comentarii la sculptura lui Napoleon Tiron’ (The Man in the Dream, Comments on Napoleon Tiron’s Sculpture), VIATA ROMANEASCA, May 1989, pp. 80-84. M.S.-C., ‘Omul de vis, Comentarii la sculptura lui Napoleon Tiron’ (The Man in the Dream, Comments on Napoleon Tiron’s Sculpture), VIATA ROMANEASCA, May 1989, pp. 80-84. M.S.-C., ‘Impanzirea lumii, Grafica Simonei Runcan’ (A Cloth World, Simona Runcan’s Drawings), STEAUA, No. 4, 1989, p. 53. M.S.-C., ‘Pasari si Oameni. Motive simbolice in sculptura si grafica lui Constantin Popovici’ (Birds and Humans. Symbolic Motifs in Constantin Popovici’s Sculpture Work and Drawings), VIATA ROMANEASCA, No. 7, 1988, pp. 95-96. M.S.-C., ‘Antropologia solitudinii, Sculptura mica a Ilonei Benczedi’ (An Anthropology of Solitude, Ilona Benczedi’s Small Sculpture Work), REVISTA ARTA, No. 10, 1987, pp. 39-40. M.S.-C., ‘Symbole et symétrie, Considérations sur deux théories de l’imaginaire’, CAHIERS ROUMAINS D’ÉTUDES LITTÉRAIRES, 3/1987, pp. 38-47. M.S.-C., ‘Relatia obiect-simbol-cultura in perspectiva antropologiei’ (An Anthropological Perspective on the Object-Symbol-Relationship), REVISTA DE FILOSOFIE, November-December 1986, pp. 501-507. M.S.-C., ‘Maitec, avagy a hülésikus szimbolizmus’ (Maitec and Hyesic Symbolism), TETT, 1986/2, pp. 54-56. M.S.-C., ‘Tema nuntii in pictura lui Horia Bernea’ (The Wedding Theme in Horia Bernea’s Paintings), VIATA ROMANEASCA, October 1985, pp. 87-89; M.S.-C., ‘Convergences diachroniques et scientificité de la traduction’, Bucharest University, BCSS, 1976, No. 4, pp. 20-32. M.S.-C., ‘Culminatie intropatica în poezia lui André Chenier’ (Inthropatic Peaks in André Chenier’s Poetry), Bucharest University, BCSS, 1974/75, No. 3, pp. 75-84. Lectures & Papers M.S.-C., ‘Locul lui Brâncuși în istoria artei moderne’, ( Brancusi’s Place in Modern Art History), paper, Congresul National al Istoricilor Romani, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, paper, Congresul National al Istoricilor Romani, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 29 august- 1 septembrie 2018. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – Figura emblematica a Romaniei Mari’, ( Brancusi – An Emblematic Figure of Great Romania), paper, Congresul National al Istoricilor Romani, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, 29th August- 1st September 2018. M.S.-C., ‘Exemplaritatea imaginarului brancusian, Noi perspective în cercetarea artei abstracte’, (Exemplarity of Brancusi’s Imaginary, New Prospects in Research on Abstract Art), paper, in EMOTION, IMAGINATION AND ART –CLASSIC AND RECENT PERSPECTIVES, National Conference on Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, Bucharest, May, 19-20th, 2018. M.S.-C., ‘Geneza imaginarului Brancusian’, (Genetic Considerations on Brancusi’s Imaginary), lecture, Bucharest University, Philosophy Department, May 7th, 2018. M.S.-C., ‘Hermeneutica endogena a sculpturii brancusiene, O ipostaza culminativa a criticii genetice’, (Endogenous Hermeneutics – A Breakthrough Approach in Genetic Criticism), paper, National Francisc Rainer Symposium, April, 26th-28th, 2018. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – Poarta Sarutului, Explorari de hermeneutica endogena’, (Brancusi – The Gate of the Kiss, Quests in Endogenous Hermeneutics), lecture, Library of the Romanian Academy, March 6th, 2018. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – Recuperarea sublimului’, (Brancusi - Retrieving the Sublime), lecture, I. L. Caragiale National Theatre, March 5th, 2017. M.S.-C., ‘Structura imaginarului Brancusian’, (Structure of the Brancusian Imaginary), five lectures, Muzeul National de Arta, September –November, 2016. M.S.-C., ‘Tripticul Evei in sculptura brancusiana, Perspectiva hermeneuticii endogene’ (Eve’s Triptych in Brancusi’s Sculpture, An Endogenous Hermeneutics Perspective), lecture, Biblioteca Nationala Bucuresti, September 30th, 2016. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – Semnificatiile unei revolutii, Perspectiva hermeneuticii endogene’ (Brancusi, Significance of a Revolution, An Endogenous Hermeneutics Perspective) lecture, Muzeul National al Taranului Roman (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant), September 13th, 2016. M.S.-C., ‘Considérations sur l’essence du bien et du beau dans la sculpture de Brancusi’, paper, ”LE BEAU”, Le XXVI-a Congrès de l’Association Roumaine de Philosophie de Langue Française, L’Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française, L’Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iassy, le 23 - le 27 Août 2016. M.S.-C., ‘Paul Neagu Today and Tomorrow’, paper, international symposium, “Comemorating Paul Neagu”, The Triade Foundation, Timisoara, October 30th - 31st, 2015. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – Reperul maxim, Bilant al exegezei brancusiologice’ (A Survey of Research in Brancusian Studies), paper, “The Underlying Concept underlying the Targu Jiu Ensemble”, Centrul Cultural Brancusi, Targu-Jiu, October 25th -27th, 2015. M.S.-C., ‘Luceafarul Brancusian, Motive eminesciene în sculptura Brancusiana’ (Brancusi’s Evening Star, Motives Inspired by Eminescu’s Lyrics in Brancusi’s Sculpture), paper, ”Linguistic and Cultural Contacts across Romanian Communities”, international symposium, 14th edition, the Philologial Institute A. Philippide, Iassi, September 16th -18h, 2015. M.S.-C., ‘Ansamblul de la Targu Jiu, Chei de lectura a semnificatiei simbolice’(The Targu Jiu Ensemble, Keys to a Symbolic Interpretation), paper to workshop on the inscription of the Targu Jiu Ensemble on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List, Romanian Cultural Institute, August 28th, 2015. M.S.-C., ‘Argumente pentru o antropologie prescriptiva’(Arguments in favour of a Prescriptive Anthropology), paper, summer school on „Anthropology and Health”, Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology, June 29th - July 3rd, 2015. M.S.-C., ‘A Hermeneutic Approach to Paul Neagus’Work’, paper, international workshop on Paul Neagu’s work, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, October 31st, 2012. M.S.-C., ‘Matrici simbolice în dinamica culturii: trupul uman’ (Symbolic Matrices in Cultural Dynamics: the Human Body), paper, a Constantin Brailoiu Symposium, Institutul de Etnografie si Folclor, October 19th, 2012. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi et Bachelard, Une approche herméneutique de la sculpture abstraite’, paper, an international symposium, “Bachelard, science, poésie, une nouvelle éthique ”, Association des amis de Gaston Bachelard, Centre culturel international de Cérisy-La-Salle, July 25th -August 1st, 2012. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – Simbolismul hylesic, Izvoare si orizonturi ale unui curent artistic ignorat’ (Brancusi – The Hyleisc Symbolism, Sources and Resources of an Ignored Artistic Trend), lecture, The Romanian Academy and The Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology, May 17th, 2012. M.S.-C., ‘Hermeneutica antropologica, Un nou demers în critica de arta’ (Anthropological Hermeneutics, A New Approach in Art Criticism), paper, A Brancusi Symposium, Centrul Cultural Brancusi, Targu-Jiu, March 16th -17th, 2012. M.S.-C., ‘Abordari hermeneutice ale sculpturii Brancusiene’ (Hermeneutic Approaches to Brancusi’s Sculpture), workshop, Institutul Cultural Roman, February 21st, 2012. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi et l’imagination matérielle, Un plaidoyer pour l’unité à travers la diversité des cultures’, paper, A Constantin Brailoiu Symposium, „Oriental Romania in the 21st, Century - Debates, Ethnological Perspectives”, Bucharest, October 20th, - 22nd, 2011. M.S.-C., ‘Matching Knowledge on Science and Knowledge on Art, A Needed Strategy to Expand Limits of Knowledge’, paper, The International Conference, “The Limits of the Knowledge Society”, Romanian Academy, Jassy, October 6th - 9th, 2010. M.S.-C., ‘Hermeneutica creatiei brancusiene’ (The Hermeneutics of Brancusi’s Creation), lecture, The “Quo Vadis ?” lecture series, organized by the Romanian National Archives and the Romanian Fulbright Alumni Foundation, May 12th, 2010. M.S.-C., ‘Matching Knowledge on Art with Knowledge on Science, A Case Study: Brancusi’s Kiss Motif’, paper, the 43rd Congress of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA) on “Relationships between Art and Science: Complicity, Criticality, Knowledge”, Dublin, October 26th -30th 2009. M.S.-C., ‘Opere care nu au apucat sa fie terminate – Strategii hermeneutice’ (Works that Failed to be Completed, Hermeneutic Strategies), paper, The Constantin Brailoiu Annual Symposium, “Works that Failed to be Written”,The Ethnographic Institute, October 22nd, 2009. M.S.-C., ‘Emblematizarea Romaniei prin arta, Cazul operei sculptorului Paul Neagu’ (Romania’s Emblematic Cultural Values. A Case Study: Paul Neagu’s Sculpture), lecture, The Constantin Brailoiu Lecture Sessions, Romanian Academy, October 14th, 2009. M.S.-C., ‘Constantin Brancusi vs. Ivan Mestrovic, Doua abordari complementare in arta monumentala’, (Constantin Brancusi vs. Ivan Mestrovic: Two Complementary Approaches to Monumental Art), lecture, The Institute of South Eastern European Studies, June 2nd, 2009. M.S.-C., ‘Revolutii darwiniene’ (Darwinian Revolutions), paper, The Charles Darwin Bi-Centennary Symposium, Faculty of Philosophy, Bucharest University, May 27th, 2009. M.S.-C., ‘La vision diachronique dans la diffusion des valeurs culturelles, paper, international symposium, “Le rôle du débat publique dans la diffusion de la culture technique, scientifique et industrielle”, The Natural Sciences Museum, Ploiesti and KASCIOPE, France, Ploiesti, December, 2nd -4th, 2008. M.S.-C., ‘Timp imaginar in sculptura brancusiana’ (Imaginary Time in Brancusi’s Sculpture), paper, national symposium, “Man vs. Time”, The Archeological Museum, Prahova, November 2008. M.S.-C., ‘Reverberatii ale etnologicului în gama majora a artei culte. Teme legate de Marea Unire din 1918’ (Ethnologic Reverberations in Plastic Art, The Romania’s 1918 Great Union Motif), paper, The Constantin Brailoiu Annual Symposium, The Ethnographic Institute, Romanian Academy, October 30th, 2008. M.S.-C., ‘Dimensiunea simbolica a lateralizarii. Consideratii despre o metafora sculpturala brancusiana’ (Symbolic Dimensions of Lateralisation. Considerations on a Sculptural Metaphors in Brancusi’s Work), paper, “Art vs. Science Interfaces”, International Symposium, Gheorghe Marinescu Society of Neurology, Bucharest, June 3rd, 2007. M.S.-C., ‘La dimension symboliste de la sculpture brancusienne. Étude de cas: Le Baiser’, paper, “Autour de 1900. Idées et motifs symbolistes roumains et europeens”, symposium, George Oprescu Institute of the History of Art, February 23rd, 2007. M.S.-C., ‘Tendinte în critica de arta si în istoria artei’ (Trends in Art Criticism and in Art History), lecture, Contemporary Arts Center, Bucharest, October 15th, 2005. M.S.-C., ‘Hylesic (Material) Symbolism in Paul Neagu’s Sculpture, Material Mythology in the Third Millenium’, Proceedings of the 39th AICA Congress, “Art Theory and Art Criticism in The New Millenium”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September, 18th - 23rd, 2005. M.S.-C., ‘Creatie vs. Evolutie – Perspectiva antropologiei simbolice’ (Creation vs. Evolution, A Symbolic Anthropology Approach), paper, A National Symposium, “Creationism vs. Evolutionism”, Museum of Man, Ploiesti, and Francisc Rainer Institute of Anthropology, 8th Edition, Ploiesti, May 12th, 2005. M.S.-C., ‘Hermeneutica vizuala si critica hermeneutica – Reflectii despre sculptura lui Paul Neagu’ (Visual Hermeneutics and Hermeneutical Criticism – Thoughts on Paul Neagu’s Sculpture), lecture, The International Association of Art Critics, Bucharest, December 9th, 2004. M.S.-C., ‘Despre punctele arhimedice si arta abstracta’ (On Archimedic Points and Abstract Art), paper, symposium, ”On Nature and Humans”, The Museum of Natural Sciences, Ploiesti, November, 2004. M.S.-C., ‘Relatia materie / forma în sculptura lui Paul Neagu’ (Material vs. Shape Correlations in Paul Neagu’s Sculpture), paper, “Paul Anghel, A Last Classic”, a Symposium, The George oprescu Institute of the History of Art, Buchareast, October 24th, 2004. M.S.-C., ‘Glose asupra spiralei în sculptura lui Paul Neagu’ (On Spirals in Paul Neagu’s Sculpture), lecture, The Sabina and Jean Negulescu Galleries, Bucharest, June 15th, 2004. M.S.-C., ‘The Eye of the Storm, the Sculpture of Constantin Brancusi and of Paul Neagu’, lecture, University City of London, Slade College, May 19th, 2004; The Slade School of Fine Art, University College of London, Pro Patrimonio, The National Trust of Romania, Romanian Business Club, UK. M.S.-C., ‘The Gate of the Kiss, A Hylesic Symbol, A Paschal Metaphor’, paper, „Brancusi’s Zenith. What Next?”, International Commemorative Symposium, Romanian Academy, George Oprescu Art History Institute, Bucharest, May 18th - 21st, 2001. M.S.-C., ‘Aesthetic Concepts in Paul Neagu’s Sculpture’, lecture, Summer Institute in World Art Studies, East Anglia University, Norwich, August, 2000; M.S.-C., ‘Public Memorials in Romania, A Monument to Victims of Romania’s 1989 Anticommunist Revolt’, poster, 30th International Congress of Art History, London, September 2000. M.S.-C., ‘Une approche anthropologique de la sculpture de Constantin Brancusi: le corps en croix’, paper, le 24-ème Colloque GALF, “Anthropologie du XXI-ème siècle, Projets et perspectives“, le 24-ème Colloque GALF, The Anthropological Research Centre in the Romanian Academy, Le groupement des anthropologistes de langue française and The European Association of Anthropology (EAA), Sinaia, Novembre 4th - 7th, 1999. M.S.-C., ‘Ion Nicodim et les vertues métaphoriques des couleurs’, lecture, Institut Français de Bucarest, October 8th, 1998. M.S.-C., ‘Simbolul plugului în sculptura lui Paul Neagu’ (The Symbol of the Plough in Paul Neagu’s Sculpture), paper, a Constantin Brailoiu Symposium, Institutul de Etnografie şi Folclor, June 11th - 12th, 1998. M.S.-C., ‘Rhétorique et abstraction dans la sculpture brancusienne’, lecture, Institut Français de Bucarest, June 4th, 1998. M.S.-C., ‘Configuratii arhetipale în creatia lui Paul Neagu’ (Archetypal Patterns in Paul Neagu’s Sculpture), lecture, “7 Arts, 7 Days”, Festival, Resita, May 18th - 24th, 1998. M.S.-C., ‘Revival of Old Symbols in Contemporary Art’, paper, The International Conference, “21st Century's Challenges to Anthropology”, jointly organized by the Anthropological Research Centre in the Romanian Academy and The European Association of Anthropology (EAA), Bucharest and Sinaia, April 28th - May 1st, 1998. M.S.-C., ‘Consideratii pe tema dimensiunii interioare in arte’(Considerations on the Inner Dimension in Art), paper, “Dimension Concepts in Art and in Science”, International Symposium, The META Cultural Center, Bucharest, September 9th - 15th, 1997. M.S.-C., ‘Arta abstracta si valorile prezentului’ (Abstract Art and Present Day Values), paper, “Anthropological Perspectives on Values”, a national symposium, Romanian Academy, September 4th, 1997. M.S.-C., ‘Doua fete ale Brancusiologiei’(Brancusiology – A Double Faced Discipline), paper, “BRANCUŞIANA '97”, Commemorative Symposium 40 Years after Brancusi’s Death, Targu-Jiu, March 13th - 16th, 1997. M.S.-C., ‘Consideratii despre Templul Descatusarii, O viziune asupra androginitatii în sculptura brancusiana” (Considerations on the Temple of Deliverance, Androginy Themes in Brancusi’s Sculpture), lecture, Centrul de Cercetari Antropologice Francisc Rainer, February 19th, 1997. M.S.-C., ‘Mademoiselle Pogany, La femme fatale’, paper, The European Symposium Celebrating 120 Years since Brancusi’s Birth, The UNESCO Romanian Committee, The Romanian Academy, December 2nd, 1996. M.S.-C., ‘Moral Meanings of Materials in 20th Century Art. New Avatars of an Age Old Ideology with Special Reference to the Sculpture of Constantin Brancusi’, paper, “Conference on Ideology and Balkan Anthropology”, Association for Balkan Anthropology, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 1996. M.S.-C., ‘Abstractie lirism si elocinţa în sculptura brancusiana’ (Abstraction, Lyricism, and Eloquence in Brancusi’s Sculpture), lecture The Fulbright Commission, May 14th, 1996. M.S.-C., ‘Beyond Shape Innovation - An Anthropological Approach to Brancusi’s Sculpture’, invited class lecture, New York Studio School, New York, November 1995. M.S.-C., ‘Symbolic Structures in the Sculpture of Constantin Brancusi, lecture’, New York Studio School, New York, October 19th, 1995. M.S.-C., ‘Metaphors on Love in Constantin Brancusi’s sculpture. Three study cases: The Prayer, The Kiss, The Wisdom of the Earth’, lecture, The Romanian Cultural Center, New York, September 29th, 1995. M.S.-C., ‘Composition Rules in Brancusi's Sculpture - A Case Study: Mademoiselle Pogany’, invited class lecture, Bard College, Annadale-on- Hudson, New York, September, 1995. M.S.-C., ‘Contributii la conotatiile sacre ale Ansamblului de la Targu-Jiu’ (Contributions to Sacred Symbolism in the Targu Jiu Ensemble), paper, Brancusiana '95 Symposium, Targu-Jiu, February 28th, 1995. Cornelia Guja and M.S.-C., ‘The Androgyny Method in Auxological Research. The Mosaic of the Androgyny Concept’, paper, "Child Somatotypes", International Conference, Tartu, Estonia, June, 1993. M.S.-C., ‘Statutul obiectului în antropologia simbolica’ (The Status of the Object in Symbolic Anthropology), paper, Annual Symposium, Francisc Rainer Anthropological Research Center, Bucharest, May 1992. M.S.-C., ‘Les significations chrétiennes d’une composition de Brancusi’, paper, "Anthropologie du christianisme", Séminaire Recherche et Formation, Ministère de la Culture, Roumanie, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, France, Bucarest, Octobre 1991. M.S.-C., ‘Hermeneutica de obiect - Un studiu de caz’ (Object Hermeneutics – A Case Study), paper, Annual Symposium, Francisc Rainer Anthropological Research Center, Bucharest, October 1991. M.S.-C., ‘Proportia interioara în sculptura Brancusiana; un studiu al structurilor compozitionale’ (The Inner Proportion in Brancusi’s Sculpture, A Study on Compositional Patterns), lecture, Universitatea Nationala de Arta si Design, December 1990. M.S.-C., ‘Codificari simbolice în plastica romaneasca contemporana’ (Symbolic Codifications in Contemporary Romanian Visual Art Productions), lecture, Universitatea Nationala de Arta si Design, July 1990. M.S.-C., ‘Glose Brancusiene la tema sacralitatii cuplului primar’ (Brancusi’s Visual Comments on Sacred Attributes in the Primal Human Pair), paper, “Art and Sacredness”, symposium, Bucharest University, the Philological Department, May 1990 M.S.-C., ‘Paralele conceptuale în definirea calitatii în antropologia culturala’ (Conceptual Parallelism in Biology and Ecology), paper, "Antropologie si ecologie", syposium, The Romanian Acadermy December 1987. M.S.-C., ‘Cateva implicatii ale antropologiei simbolice obiectuale’ (Objectual Symbolic Anthropology, New Perspectives), paper, Annual Symposium of the Anthropological Laboratory, The Victor Babes Institute, April 1986. M.S.-C., ‘Contributii la analiza bachelardiana a elementelor’(Contributions to Bachelard’s Element Analyses), paper, "Anthropological Drives in Linguistics and Philology”, symposium, Bucharest University, The Department of Philology, September 1985. M.S.-C., ‘Preliminarii la o abordare antropologica a simbolisticii materiilor esentiale’ (Preliminaries of an Anthropological Approach to a Symbolics of Elements), paper, Annual Symposium of the Anthropological Laboratory, The Victor Babes Institute, April 1985. Collective Volumes and Proceedings M.S.-C., ‘Poarta Sarutului – Lectura dedicate. O abordare de hermeneutica endogena’ (The Gate of the Kiss – The Dedicated Discourse, An Approach in Endogenous Hermeneutics), in Andrei Kozma, Octavian Buda, Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici (Eds.), “Antropologia Mileniului Trei”(Anthropology of the Third Millenium), A Francisc Rainer Publication Series, Vol. 14, Niculescu Publishers, 2020, pp. 155-163. M.S.-C., ‘Hermeneutica endogena a sculpturii brancusiene, O ipostaza culminativa a criticii genetice’ (Endogenous Hermeneutics of Brancusi’s Sculpture, An Outstanding Case of Genetic Criticism), in Andrei Kozma, Cristiana Glavce, Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici (Eds.), “Antropologie si Genetica”(Anthropology and Health), A Francisc Rainer Publication Series, Vol. 12, Niculescu Publishers, 2019, pp. 173-184. M.S.-C., ‘Radacini ale imaginarului brancusian’, (Roots of the Imaginary in Brancusi’s Work), in Andrei Kozma, Cristiana Glavce, Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici (Eds.), “Antropologie si Spiritualitate”(Anthropology and Spirituality), A Francisc Rainer Publication Series, Vol. 9. Niculescu Publishers, 2016, pp. 344-352. M.S.-C., ‘Hermeneutica endogena, oportunitatea viziunii culturologice in peisajul criticii plastice contemporane’, (Endogenous Hermeneutics, the Need for a Philosophy of Culture Background in Contemporary Visual Art Critique), in Andrei Kozma, Cristiana Glavce, Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici (Eds.), “Antropologie si Sanatate”(Anthropology and Health), A Francisc Rainer Publication Series, Vol. 7. Niculescu Publishers, 2016, pp. 344-352. M.S.-C., ‘A Hermeneutic Approach to Brancusi‘s Kiss Motif’, in Catalin Vasilescu, Maria Luisa Flonta, Ioana Craciun (Eds.), „On From and Pattern”, A Humbold Symposium, May 30-31, 2014, Editura Academiei Romane, 2015, pp. 423-434. M.S.-C., ‘Dimensiuni ale catharsisului in sculptura brancusiana’ (Cathartic Dimensions in Brancusi’s Sculpture), in Marinela Rusu (Ed.) „Ethic and Aesthetic Determinants in Personality Development, Interpretation Drives, Contrasts and Controversies”, Conference Proceedings, The Gheorghe Zane Economic and Social Research Institute, Iassy, May 15th, 2015, pp. 146-158. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi – La Porte du Baiser, Une approche d’herméneutique endogène’, in Iulian Boldea (Ed.), „Globalisation, Inter-Cultural Dialogue and National Identity”, an International Conference, Proceedings, Vol. 1, 2014, pp. 74-79. Arhipelag XXI, 2014 ISBN 978-606-93691-3-5 (C) Arhipelag XXI Press, 2014. M.S.-C., ‘L’Herméneutique de l’objet, vecteur de dialogue multiculturel, Considérations sur Brancusi vs. Bachelard’, in Iulian Boldea (Ed.), “Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue”, an International Conference Proceedings, Arhipelag XXI Press, 2014, ISBN 9789-606-93590-3-7, pp. 94-101, ISI in WEB OF SCIENCE, M.S.-C., ‘Criterii de universalitate în analiza hermeneutica a sculpturii brancusiene’ (Hermeneutic Assessment Criteria of Universal Values in Brancusi’s Sculpture), in Andrei Kozma, Cristiana Glavce, Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici (Eds.), “Antropologie si Mediu”(Anthropology and Environment), A Francisc Rainer Publication Series, Vol. 5. Niculescu Publishers, 2014, pp. 410-417. M.S.-C., ‘Cercetarea sculpturii abstracte de secol 20 prin metode intensive, Cazul Brancusi’ (Intensive Methods in Research on 20th Century Abstract Sulpture. A Case Study – Brancusi), Marinela Rusu (Ed.), Proceedings to the International Conference „Art and Personality”, The Gheorghe Zane Economic and Social Research Institute, Iassy, May 23rd, 2014, Vol. I, pp. 159-169. M.S.-C., ‘Contributii la identificarea curentului artistic lansat de Constantin Brancusi in sculptura veacului 20’ (Contributions to Positioning Brancusi’s Artistic Trend within 20th Century Art), paper, Andrei Kozma, Cristiana Glavce, Constantin Balaceanu-Stolnici (Eds.), “Antropologie si Interdisciplinaritate” (Anthropology and Interdisciplinarity), A Francisc Rainer Publication Series, Vol. 4. Niculescu Publishers, 2013, pp. 421-425. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi et Bachelard, Une approche herméneutique de la sculpture abstraite’, in Jean Jacques Wunenburger (ed.), „Gaston Bachelard, Science, poétique, une nouvelle éthique”, Ed. Hermann, 2013, pp. 469-492. M.S.-C., ‘O viziune insolita asupra transcendentului în sculptura brancusiana’ (An Unusual Representation of the Transcendent in Brancusi’s Sculpture), Proceedings of the Symposium “Antropologie si Cultura”, The Academic Society of Anthropology, A Francisc Rainer Publication Series, Vol. 3, Niculescu Publishing House, 2012, pp. 367-374. M.S.-C., ‘Incercare de situare culturologica a creatiei brancusiene’ (An Attempt to Position Brancusi’s Work in the History of Culture), Proceedings of the Symposium “Antropologie si Biodiversitate”, The Academic Society of Anthropology, A Francisc Rainer Publication Series, Vol. 2, Niculescu Publishers, 2011, pp. 382-391. M.S-C., ‘A Pioneering Hermeneutic Approach of Brancusi’s Sculpture’, in Remus Pricopie, Dorina Gutu, Mihai Moroiu (Eds.), “Fulbright Ripple Effect on International Education”, Comunicare & Ro Publishers, 2011, pp. 248-263; M.S.-C., ‘Hylesic (Material) Symbolism in Paul Neagu’s Sculpture’, in “10 Dialogues, Richard Demarco, Scotland & The European Avant Garde”, Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture, 2011, pp. 10-11. M.S.-C., ‘Elemente de exegeza endogena la Ansamblul din Targu Jiu’ (Elements to an Endogenous exegesis of the Targu Jiu Ensemble), in Proceedings of the Symposium “Antropologia si orizonturile ei”, The Academic Society of Anthropology, A Francisc Rainer Publication Series, Vol. 1, Niculescu Publishers, 2010, pp. 381- 328. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi et l’immaginazione materiale’, in Autori Vari, “Constantin Brancusi Nel XXI Secolo, Nuovi studi”, Verso l’Arte Edizioni, 2010, pp. 17- 22. M.S.-C., ‘Fantana lui Haret si Printesa X, Doua motive brancusiene conexe’ (Haret’s Fountain and Pricess X, Two Contiguous Motifs in Brancusi’s Sculpture), in Proceedings of The First National Conference in Urban Anthropology, Roman, September 23rd-25th, 2009, pp. 210-223. Riga Sorin., Riga D., C Balaceanu-Stolnici, C. Glavce, E. Iancu, M. Stircea-Craciun, ‘Prezentarea operei stiintifice a Prof. Dr. Phillip V. Tobias. Sinteza lucrarilor realizate si publicate timp de peste o jumatate de secol (1945-2003) si impactul în dezvoltarea mondiala a stiintei si culturii’ (Professor Phillip Tobias’ Scientific Work, A Synthesis of A Fiffty Year Long List of Written and Published Contributions to Worldwide Development of Science and Culture) in Phillip V. Tobias, “Evolutia stiintelor antropologiei/Evolution of the anthropological sciences”, Ed. Hasefer, 2007, p.147-163. Riga Dan, Riga S., C. Glavce, C Balaceanu-Stolnici, M. Stircea-Craciun, E. Iancu, ‘Prof. Dr. Phillip Tobias – O personalitate de excelenta în antropologia si stiinta mondiala’( Professor Phillip Tobias – An Outstanding Personality in World Science), in Phillip V. Tobias, “Evoluţia ştiinţelor antropologiei/Evolution of the anthropological sciences”, Ed. Hasefer, 2007, pp.7-16. M.S.-C., ‘Brancusi’s Gate of the Kiss – A Hylesic Symbol’, in Proceedings of the International Symoposium “Brancusi’s Zenith. What Next?”, The George Oprescu Art History Institute, Romanian Academy, 2001, pp.189-202. M.S.-C., ‘Vid si plin in sculptura brancusiana’ (Full vs. Void in Brancusi’s Sculpture), in Proceedings of the Colloquium, “Brancusi – An Artist-Philosopher”, The Institute of Philosophy, Romanian Academy, Targu Jiu, 2001, pp. 133-152. M.S.-C., ‘Simbolul ca factor integrator, Ipostaza semantica a aurei’ (The Symbol, An Integrative Factor, Semantic Hypostases of the Halo), in Cornelia Guja (Ed.), “Aurele corpurilor, Interfete cu cosmosul”, Polirom Publishers, 2000, pp. 262-272. M.S.-C., ‘Recent Public Memorials in Bucharest: Paul Neagu’s Century Cross’, PLURAL, CULTURE AND CIVILISATION, The Romanian Cultural Foundation, 2000, pp. 234-237. M.S.-C., ‘Revival of an Old Symbol in Contemporary Art: the Cross in Paul Neagu's Sculpture’, in Proceedings of the International Conference “21st Century's Challenges to Anthropology”, Bucharest - Sinaia, April 29th- May 1st, 1998, Bioedit, 1999, pp. 69-77. M.S.-C., ‘Doua ipostaze ale brancusiologiei’ (Two Drives in Brancusian Studies), in Proceedings of the Colloquium “Constantin Brancusi, Steps on the Sands of Eternity”, The Constantin Brancusi Foundation, Targu Jiu 1997, pp. 35-40. M.S.-C., ‘Simbol si simetrie. Consideratii despre doua teorii ale imaginarului’ (Symbol and Symetry. Considerations on Two Theories of the Imaginary), in Angela Botez (Ed.), “Symetry and Asymetry in the Universe”, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 1992, pp. 200-209. Edited Volumes Sorin Dumitrescu, M.S.-C. (Eds.), ‘Rainer’,Catalogue, Anastasia Publishing House, 2001, 223 p. M.S.-C. (Ed.), ’L’Anthropologie du XXIe siècle, Projets et perspectives’, Le 24e Colloque du Groupement des Anthropologistes de Langue Française, Sinaia, le 4-7 Novembre 1999. M.S.-C. (Ed.), ‘Les Défis de l’Anthropologie au XXIe Siècle’, L’Association Européenne d’Anthropologie, L’Académie Roumaine, Le Groupement des Anthropologistes de Langue Française, Sinaia, le 29 Avril - le 1 Mai 1998. Secretary to International Events: ’L’Anthropologie du XXIe siècle, Projets et perspectives’, Le 24e Colloque du Groupement des Anthropologistes de Langue Française, Sinaia, le 4 - 7 Novembre 1999; ‘Les Défis de l’Anthropologie au XXIe Siècle’, L’Association Européenne d’Anthropologie, L’Académie Roumaine, Le Groupement des Anthropologistes de Langue Française, Sinaia, le 29 Avril - le 1 Mai 1998. Translations M.S.-C., ‘Paul Neagu – Nine Catalytic Stations, A Study in Hylesic Symbolism’, Bucharest, Anastasia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003, 235 p., 213 ill., English version by Matei Stircea-Craciun edited by Derrick Hawker. Dan Grigorescu, Brancusi, Editura enciclopedica, Bucharest, 1977, 108 p., 35 ill., French version by Matei Stircea-Craciun. Over 40 studies in demography, economics, sociology, public health translated from English into French, part of which published in the Bulletin of Translations of the UN-Romania Demographic Center, CEDOR, 1977-84. Anthropological Fieldwork ‘Interdisciplinary Investigations on Cerebral Lateralization, A Case Study of Rural Communities in the Gorj Department’, 1989. ‘Investigations on Social and Cultural Determinants of Anthropological Patterns’, Vrancea Area, 1988. ‘A Comparative Study of Rural vs. Urban Anthropological Patterns’, Vrancea Area, 1986. ‘Typological Investigations in Romanian Rural Communities’, Vrancea Area, 1985. Exhibitions ‘Paul Neagu, Paintings, Serigraphy, Sculpture’, The Allianz-Tiriac Gallery, December 2003-March 2004, curated and presented by Matei Stircea-Craciun. ‘MANOLE’, a philosophic poem and synesthetic installation by Matei Stircea Craciun: paintings and drawings by Hortensia Masichevici-Misu; music arrangement by Irina Hasnas, choreographic accompaniment by Romulus Neagu, interpreted by Constantin Codrescu, The ¾ Gallery, The National Theatre, March-April 1995. Professional Associations The Anthropological Commission, the Romanian Academy Romanian Union of Visual Artists (UAP) The Romanian Association of Urban Anthropology, a founding member The Romanian Academic Society of Anthropology, a founding member * International Association of Art Critics (AICA) An international AICA member (2005-2007) Association of Art Historians (AAH) Association of French Language Philosophical Societies (ASPLF) Association of Art Historians (AAH) |